The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 27

Out of these additional factors ensues the dramatically increased degree of dangerousness and dissimulation of zombiefication; to say it with Nuri's words, “Generally, any ideas about a parasite adding stability to the overall system should be regarded very warily. They may be just new masked versions of the same parasitic philosophy, new "wolves in sheep's clothing."” To say it with the Party’s doublespeak of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty−Four, how easily and effectively we are led to believe that two plus two equals five, that war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is force.
Particularly, among those “wolves in sheep’s clothing” ideas to be regarded very warily, there are those who theorise that parasites in nature are not suicidal but rather have a role in ensuring the overall survival, much like predators removing weaker individuals, and therefore assume it is the same to the letter for economic parasites. As I said, in human groups we have that further element called suppressive. And we do know a few key basics about him or her: the suppressive never provides any positive contribution but only destruction, the suppressive is motivated by the root intention to make smaller and murder anyone else, and the suppressive will stop at nothing, not even at suicide, in order to suppress.

Nuri points out how “previous inoculation attempts have fallen short, such as with the founders of the U.S. and its Constitution, or say Marx's critique of capitalism, not for lack of valour or diligence but only because of the awesome "nature of the beast." The money parasite in its various forms has probably co−evolved with humans for millenia, arguably even since the origin of exchange.”
And here is precisely where I add my two cents: the suppressive and the potential trouble source, that is the “nature of the beast”. That is the main step forward here, that is the core: look up from the tool to the hand operating it; whatever the tool, the real root cause is the intention that turns that tool into a weapon, and the vulnerability that allows, amplifies and relays that transformation.