The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 17

Greed vs. honesty: The tactful Rothschilds did not explicitly mention greed, but it’s implicit in the class “dependent on the favours.” Honest individuals would reject the so−called "bargain." Greed is the foremost disease of money.
Profligacy vs. conservation: Or “irresponsibility vs. responsibility” relative to money spending tendencies. Government indebtedness is just the macrocosmic mirror of individual debts on the microcosmic level.
Apathy vs. concern: If the public is apathetic toward its institutions, they will deteriorate. How much does the public care about its own government or banking system vs. extracting gains from either?
Ignorance vs. education: As Adams (John Adams, one of the Founding Fathers and Presidents of the United States, author’s note) warned, the public must understand basic money and banking concepts to be able to fight off parasitical infections.
Dependency vs. autonomy: Entire nations can be composed of dependents and their “enablers.”
Passivity vs. action: If the public “gives away its power,” i.e. delegates its authority and takes a passive role, a parasite may arise to take the active one.
Reactive vs. proactive: As Griffin (the author of The Creature from Jeckill Island, author's note) has documented, the public can be manipulated via crises and a false “problem−reaction−solution” cycle.
Delusion vs. rationality: The public must understand “there is no such thing as a free lunch” or they will become one for the parasite.
Credulity vs oversight: As Ronald Reagan remarked on his philosophy over a nuclear arms treaty with the Soviet Union, “trust, but verify.”
Distraction vs. vigilance: “Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.” Mass sporting events and internet pornography are probably in the first category.
Groupthink vs. leadership: Some derisively refer to the public as “the unwashed masses,” “cattle,” or “sheeple.”
Cowardice vs. courage: It is possible that some have glimpsed the parasite firsthand but lacked the nerve to confront or challenge it.