The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 9
En passant, the subject of wrong statistics deserves a particular mention here for two reasons at the very least: their importance, and their being the point of convergence of several parasite strategies. Gauges on your dashboard are there to report the state of affairs under your bonnet and under your seat far sooner and far better than the smoke coming out from underneath does. Hence economic indicators are among the favourite targets of economic parasites. We’ll see later on how determining exactly what to measure, and fine−tuning accurately its measurement, to know the condition of an area is of the utmost importance; suffice here to say that gaining control of the economic indicators in order to tamper with them, by either skewing the correct ones or replacing the correct ones with wrong ones, is where many parasite strategies cross and overlap: getting there is a matter of infiltration, tampering with them is a matter of deception, distraction, diversion, frog boiling…
Another example of parasite strategies combined revolves around the transformative ability of the parasite: in order to deceive the immune system which learns to recognise its form, it goes through a sequential series of mutations to stay one step ahead of the immune system and at the same time overstimulate it into attacking its own body to death by dint of chronic overstimulation. This is also, by the way, a very precise mechanism in terms of deliberate third party action to turn two or more parties against each other by reducing their ability to differentiate une thing from the other, to discern friend from foe. A typical suppressive combination of deception, diverting and attacking in waves.
The parasite quests for vital flows
Just as it is interested in wrong statistics to cover its back with them, the parasite is interested in the right ones to target them. The right statistics identify the vital flows: vital for the victim, vital for the parasite. The victim’s vital energy flows along its vital flows, the parasite aims at stealing it, the suppressive aims at suppressing it.