The Hollowed Out Foundations

The next way democracy and politics in general are hollowed out from the inside is by artfully devised and concealed omissions. We have been taught about the division of powers, and that such separate powers are three: legislative, executive, judiciary, that’s it. These – and only these – are the awesome foundations of civilisation. Until you discover the trick and realize there’s a fault that turns it all into a house of cards.

Never get tired to call to mind that among the categories of crooked things the most difficult to detect is that of things that should be there and are not: it’s more difficult to spot what should be there and it’s not there than what’s there and should not; it so happens that presence is more conspicuous than absence.

And never get tired to call to mind as well that when you care to actually and carefully inspect, the things you find wrong are usually gross: enormous, striking, huge as to magnitude and elemental as to common sense. But nonetheless unnoticed. And it’s not easy to stand up against the tide and have the courage to look amongst those unwilling to.

What’s missing in the legal foundations of our societies? The basic of basics. Should the above three be called the powers number one, two and three, well, then there’s a power that ought to be called power number zero: the monetary power, monetary sovereignty.

If you’re to do something, you’re supposed to provide the means to do it. Even more so if it’s a government that’s to function at all, isn’t it? If a legislative power is to be elected and to legislate, if an executive power is to be elected and to execute what legislated, if a judiciary power is to be elected and to enforce what legislated, well people has to do that job and live, so all of them require energy, resources, usually in the form of quids – media of payment to exchange the products of their legislative, executive and judiciary work with sustenance.