The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 5

The parasite must be invisible.
The use of the term parasite in the socioeconomic sphere is commonplace, but usually aimed at the wrong target. For instance, some call parasites those who, for one reason or another, do not work; but regardless of the fairness of this judgment, these people are in plain sight.
On the one hand, if an opponent reveals itself openly, it’s because it has a chance to prevail in an open clash, while a parasite attacks covertly because in plain sight it would succumb. In fact, it has been said that if the people understood our banking and monetary system there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning, and that the best weapon against the suppressive is the unsparing light of the plain truth.
On the other hand, the overt “parasite” represents a threat nevertheless not anywhere near that represented by the real parasite as, while the first is content with some subsidy, the latter is after enslaving its host. Which in the case of moneypulators it happens to be the whole world and all of us.
Therefore the real parasite is invisible for the very good reason that it has to evade, deceive or hijack an opponent which is designed for the very purpose of detecting and destroying it: the host’s immune system. And indeed parasites quest for invisibility by hiding from the immune system, by decoying it into failing to recognize them as parasites, and even by taking control of the immune system itself, and of the whole host organism through it.
If you find this shocking in the parasitology sphere, then you will find it all the more so in the overall picture sphere ahead. Firstly, it is instructive to reconsider now in terms of parasitism all the mechanisms of moneypulation we have previously turned inside out; secondly, it will be just as instructive, as well as demanding upon our confront, to consider in the light of parasitism all the vast horizon of their fallouts.