The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 25
Nuri mentions Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Product, defined respectively as the whole of the nation’s production and the portion thereof owned by the nation’s citizens, and points out how the difference between them indicates the degree the nation is owned by foreign owners and thus the degree it is subjugated by a foreign parasite through international economic warfare. More generally, as money and economic parasites and their economic wars can exist and act at any level within or across any subdivision of mankind and areas, I’d sum the matter up in the rather obvious idea that whatever portion of the wherewithal which is not owned by those directly involved is both an indicator and a product of economic parasitism.
I think it’s worth reminding here how naming things with their name explicitly helps one validate what one would otherwise feel vaguely and thus precariously, and how in this regard it is useful to explicitly name something rather invisible and vaguely felt like economic warfare against some of us, and how it is useful as well to explicitly name something even more so like the sheer suppressive intention against us all, regardless of whatever subdivision, border and sovereignty it is applied to or through.
Possibly one of the most important facets of suppression through economic parasitism and economic warfare worth being explicitly mentioned here is how, Nuri speaking again, “systems are systematically leveraged against each other to debase the integrity of each. This would be the core strategy exactly expected of a money parasite attacking”. You will see for yourself how important is this facet within this scope when I’ll discuss ahead the utterly fundamental principle it is an implementation of, which goes by the name of “The Third Party Law”.
This said, the discussion on the parasite effects and fallout is far from complete. Quite to the contrary, to sum it up at this stage I suggest you now look at the whole ensuing overall picture as such a fallout.