The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 14
And it is at this point that they turn around and look at their house through different eyes. What does “capital” mean? The keystone is in the ambiguity of its definition: one is, “resource, asset”, while another is, “monetised resource, monetised asset”, and the key of this passage is exactly in the monetizability and monetization of resources, of assets. And their monetization is achieved by registration and quantification of properties.
The concept of registered property consists in delegating our community agreement to a registration; your house isn’t yours because we all know that and take it for granted anymore, it is yours because a certifying authority says so. And you can easily see how, should someone say that your house isn’t yours anymore, in the latter case people are much more liable to agree, while in the first they are much more liable to tell that someone to shove it. In the same vein, registration and quantification go hand in glove: if property is liable to change hands, then it is liable to be exchanged for something else, hence it is in this order of things that what is to be exchanged be quantified in a uniform unit of measure.
And as non−monetary assets go through this monetisation process, they are going to be used as collateral, and forfeiting that collateral is the parasite’s ultimate goal. Here’s why you hear intellectuals and economists call “dead capital” or “legal failure” the fact that in “underdeveloped economies”, figuratively speaking, houses are not registered nor quantified nor traded; that is, there is a part of the resources which is not readily available to be channeled into the flows: is it “dead capital”, or is it capital that is escaping carcinogenic parasitism? As usual, in the presence of suppression, where there’s good there’s evil and our most important task is discerning them; monetisation of resources in the presence of moneypulation is no exception, and there are lights and shades in it; what is the net result on a case by case basis – the net result in the long run and behind the curtains, liabilities included and nobody and nothing lef out of the picture?