The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 19

It is at that point that you can see clearly in the flesh and at work the metastases of what is variously called plutocracy, capitalism, financial speculation: wherever you see someone playing confidence tricks with moneypulation, and wherever you observe what John McMurtry and Vladimir Z..Nuri outline in the following words. “The comparison with a carcinogen is starkly evident. A cancer pattern of disease and metastasis is confirmed when money capital lacks any commitment to any life−organisation on the planet, but is free to move with increasing volume and velocity in and out of – but not to sustain – social and environmental life−hosts. On the contrary, ever more social resources and protection are being diverted to assist the capitalist cancer to multiply.” “McMurtry's immune system analogy also applies paramountly to economic science, which absolutely must be able to discriminate flawed, destructive, or parasitical economic principles from healthy ones (both theoretical and applied) if a cancerous invasion is to be repelled. That framework arguably does not currently exist. Economists must act as “white blood cells” as much as investigators, regulators, reporters, etc. perhaps even more crucially so!” “Globally, protective systems are now being dismantled at every level. The pattern is now so universal and aggressive that even the language of its agents no longer disguises its destructive intent – “drastic cutbacks,” “axing social programs,” “slashing public services,” and so on. And society's protective systems are openly being “cut,” “slashed,” and “axed” to “reassure lenders and investors” – that circuit of money investment and profit that is no longer linked to the production or circulation of useful goods and services.” “McMurtry conveniently nails down the precise analogy to the following points: