The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 7

The parasite must be a skilful strategist.
As the confrontation between parasite and immune system takes place at the level of shrewdness and deception and not of brute force, strategy ensues as a key factor.
Deception is a broad term, in that it encompasses all types of strategy available to the parasite to hide its existence and its harmful effects.
Distraction aims at preventing the victim from discovering the existence of the problem by diverting its attention to something else.
Diversion aims at diverting the victim’s attention from the right target to a wrong one once it could not be prevented from discovering the existence of the problem.
Baitswitching consists of attracting the victim into a trap using something desirable as bait.
Frog boiling consists in attacking the victim slowly and imperceptibly enough so that it realises being attacked, victimised and destroyed as late as possible, when it has already been weakened, victimised and destroyed, exploited and reduced to apathy as much and as long as possible.
Attacking in waves consists in attacking the victim in a noncontinuous way, in periodic and sequential waves, to confuse, stun, weaken it, and induce and exploit its resulting misguided reactions and oscillations and those of its immune system.
Infiltration consists in deceiving the victim into accepting the parasite as part of itself instead of spotting it and rejecting it for what it is.
And as the parasite’s masterpieces we can mention deceiving, distracting and diverting to the point of masquerading as the cure for the disease it itself causes and obtaining unlimited leeway on this fraudulent basis despite all evidence, as well as infiltrating to the point of taking control of the very immune system and turn it against the victim.
Now, translating the concepts into examples of economic parasitism strategies…