The Cancer Stage of Economic Parasitism, 20

Long−term, systematic and irreversible destruction of global life−organisation emerged for the first time during the current advanced stage of capitalism. If we consider the defining principles of cancer and the eventual destruction of a life−host, it is difficult to avoid seeing that a cancer pattern is increasingly invading and spreading across the planet. In other words, there is:
an uncontrolled and unregulated reproduction and multiplication of an agent in the host body that:
is not committed to any function of the host body; increasingly appropriates nutriments from the host body in its growth and reproduction;
is not effectively recognised by the immune system;
possesses the ability to transfer or metastasise its assaultive growth to sites across the host body;
progressively infiltrates and invades the host body until it obstructs, damages, or destroys successive organs of its life−system; and
eventually destroys the life−host in the absence of an effective immune−system recognition and response.”
“If a covert plan of economic warfare has been waged, it may have international rather than mere national implications as various commentators have charged. Counterfeiting on a national level is a treasonous crime against that nation. However, it seems reasonable to classify international scale economic warfare as a “crime against humanity.” Accusations on this level have been made by U.S. Senators on several occasions.”

The parasite effects: the fallout on life conditions of individuals and societies of the spread of infection and cancer metastates
Simply stated, that is the fallout on our lives of suppression through moneypulation and the cancer of economic parasitism: hamster wheel, Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty−Four, slavery, degradation, hell, fratricidal wars among the poor, agony and extermination.