The Perfect Humanoid Symbol, 17
There is something called passive smoking, but there is not something called passive drinking, sniffing, shooting up, is it? 100 percent of any other poison ends up into the body of the addicted; on the contrary, only minimally smoke does, while 100 percent of it affects others. And afterwards 100 percent of smoke lingers indefinitely in the world it infected, once again directly, while this is almost never the case with other poisons. Ever noticed any personal belongings such as one’s own clothes and spaces, but also other people’s and everyone’s such as closed and open spaces not one’s own, impregnated with heroin, cocaine, alcohol on a global scale, that is to say to the same degree of saturation that is the norm in many public places where smoking is allowed? And the degradation is such that the addicted utterly blanks both committing it and duly respecting others.
So much for the smoking’s peculiar aspects of qualitative nature; should it still look like a minor sin blown out of proportion, its further peculiar aspects of quantitative nature enter the balance now.
Should any heroin addict, cocaine addict, alcoholic or any other addict consume their poison with the frequency the smoker does, they would almost instantly end up in a straitjacket. It’s so disproportionate that no sane society would tolerate it with any other poison, but strangely enough they blank it when it comes to smoking. No other poison addiction extorts such a continuous toll; no other existence is more heavily haunted by the burden of poison consumption than that of the smoker and of those having the bad fortune of being around him or her. Just count how many times the smoker consumes the poison in a single day and compare them to any other poison; just count how much time within any 24 hours the smoker devotes to officiating the poisoning of self and others, and compare it to any other poison. As a result, smokers are guilty not only of turning themselves into monsters, regardless of their being such monsters or not in the first place, but also and consequently of turning life and the world and the existence into an abject nightmare, and of either ignoring or blanking or even valuing what it means to live in one while committing this crime.