The Perfect Humanoid Symbol, 11
It has been said that the common denominator of dope is that all drugs are but poisons and all poisons follow this same scheme. A poison is an aggression against the body, thus the body reacts in self−defence, and the effect depends upon the balance of forces: a dose which is small for the defence capabilities of the body is perceived as a stimulating effect, due to the counterattack response; a dose large enough to throw its defence capabilities into crisis is perceived as a sedative effect, as the body begins to succumb; a dose large enough to defeat its defence capabilities is perceived as a lethal effect… by anyone except the subject. Taking into account only the spikes in the saw tooth trend of the addiction swindle, forgetting about the rest of the trend which is the most part of it and stays even lower, and that the “high” is only apparent after all, anyone “high” deep inside knows to be escaping rather than reaching. That highness may be straining the machine, not only above the optimum around 80 percent, but even well beyond 100 percent: it is comparable to extreme car tuning by fuelling their engines with nitrous oxide instead of air: more fuel gets burned so more power is reaped from the same engine, but it is at the cost of proportionally increased wear. The more above 100 percent and the more longer you put the squeeze on the engine, the sooner, more heavily and suddenly it will present the bill. But “cricket” individuals in such conditions couldn’t care less, or crave for just that.
Why does one start? Ever noticed how many report that in the beginning it was disgusting, until they got “used” to it? This means that in the first place it was disgusting, not good, and a rejection had to be overcome, when finally humanoid idiocy defeated common sense. Why doesn’t one quit then? Ever noticed the expressions, gestures, attitudes of the addicted before during and after the consumption? It’s abstinence, not elevation; it’s not from zero to plus something, it’s from minus something to zero… actually to still below zero. It’s irritation, frustration, conscience of a compromise with the lesser evil, it’s the nervous, obsessive, psychotic stride of a caged animal, venting against the cage bars the anger of the prisoner and the despair of seeing no way out in a vicious, hypnotic, robotic loop. And we do know how people are inclined to spend whole lifetimes in such hamster wheels, starting a new cicle every few seconds as if that new one could bring them where all the previous did not, don’t we? So, why? Because one is humanoid enough to side with one’s apathy.