The Perfect Humanoid Symbol, 23
Not unlike any other injustice and abuse, society must stop to suffer it and must refuse to do so. If someone pees in the well where everybody drinks, if that someone does it again, if that someone then keeps on doing it time and again, anyone is not only entitled to stop him or her from doing so, but has to, and at any cost, period. One thing is shitting in one’s own crapper and then leaving it filthy, another thing is shitting in the shared toilet and then leaving it chronically filthy, quite another thing is scattering one’s shit across the whole world like a farmer manuring fields. With just the negligible difference that the farmer is scattering fertilizing manure across his own fields, while the smoker is scattering poison all over the lives of others and the world, until turning it into a perennial gas chamber and a packed ashtray. One of the aspects of taking whole miles when given an inch is taking offence when stigmatised, which reveals the development being allowed of a typical aberrational mentality whereby oppression is a vested right. But smokers do not have any right to take offence; on the contrary it is us the ones deservedly entitled to claim and demand our right to breathe and that our fellows are trustworthy as members of society, and not weak points easily penetrable by trickery, degradation and suppression. Despite smoking being a full blown addiction, despite being a sickening action in itself, despite the smoker being a direct plague−spreader, despite its psychotic frequency of consumption and despite its epidemic social spread, all adding up to make it unequalled a plague, smoking enjoys an as much unequalled freedom−to−assault to resistance−encountered ratio – second only to debt money –. Again, you can detect it by comparison: just as much carefully as you should observe and study how the past and present world is working and doing under the weight of debt money and compare it to how it would without that lethal burden, you should observe and study the presence of smoking in it, and then imagine any other poison addiction having that same presence. Take each and every cigarette in the world and replace it with a bottle, a syringe, or something, and then estimate what the social response would be. Unless the social fabric, the average condition of the individuals, is equally degraded.