The Perfect Humanoid Symbol, 7
Perverting the impulse to revolt against something into a Trojan horse is another suppressive textbook tool. Regardless of whether it is the revolt or its target that is fair, and regardless of whether the revolt is genuine or instigated, the impulse of the insurrectionists can be steered into a trap, out of the frying pan into the fire. That is the case with the crime against humanity perpetrated by a certain Edward Bernays, famous for his 1928 book, Propaganda: Bernays, among the fathers of the current point of view and ensuing studies and activities to manipulate people from behind their backs, when his customers in the Tobacco cartel saw a downturn in consumption about a century ago, since at that time this plague was a prerogative of men alone, orchestrated and staged a media campaign aimed at associating smoking to the emancipation of women. The women’s push to assert their independence against a conformist society was betrayed through a shocking demonstration, when during the New York City parade a “group of women’s rights marchers” lit cigarettes as “Torches of Freedom” before the conveniently informed press who eagerly broadcasted it as a “gesture of Freedom”. The criminal, blasphemous and fraudulent association of poison with freedom stabbed in the back with a clear message: those nonconformist and independent cannot but smoke. A message that still spreads suppression a hundred years later: those wanting to be sure they are on the “cool” side of life, whatever is currently in vogue as “cool”, cannot but be addicted to shit. United States politicians as well as Nazis are in debt to this Mr. Bernays, accused by a Supreme Court Judge to be “a professional poisoner of people’s brains”, and as a result today addicted women are often trapped in a doggedness even worse than that of addicted men. Such is the power of lies when packaged in a Trojan horse. One more example of how betrayal is effective to the very degree the wrong is great and the betrayal complete: the fuller of hope the torch, the more profitable its infiltration and perversion.