The Perfect Humanoid Symbol, 25
What are we going to expect of one who is holding tight to one’s coffin through nightmare and hell, holding tight to the very scam bringing about these very nightmare, hell and coffins to us all as well as to themselves? Do you think that kind of individual, or an individual in that kind of a condition, can be enough aware and cause to be up to the duty of constant alertness and constant willingness to fight back, expected of each one of us if we're to survive suppression and ptsness at all?
I think that consciousness, awareness, self control include how much attention one can master, how good, and where. Observe too many of those around you, both those totally absorbed by their airs and graces of being on the “cool” side of life where “things happen” and the planet revolves around them, as well as those on the abject side of life, rags and bones and souls dehumanised by intangible undernourishment: don’t they look strangely similar in some respects? What is it that is surfacing in their determinacy to do it all backwards in the face of common sense, decency, orderliness? And, in particular, don’t they let you think that if you take nicotine and alcohol away from them, you’ll have nothing left of them? Not only confusion is the lowest condition one can find oneself in, and this is the conditions they’re in; furthermore, there exists a state called sub−apathy, and this is the state they’re in. It is the state where one is sunk so deeply underneath apathy, where any hope to do anything worthwhile in any direction is so long gone, that any attitude, any social façade one puts on is totally fake, because underneath it one is long gone. Or maybe, even worse, one has swopped self for that fake façade, and now believes to be it, and here’s where one ends up siding with one’s vacuum. Every time a cigarette is taken, a being is blackened; every time a cigarette is lit, a being is blanked. Are we Men and Women, or ashtrays and plague−spreaders?