The Perfect Humanoid Symbol, 27
Immediately under the top level of instigators – puppeteers, owners, boards, stakeholders –, all small employers, managers and employees of businesses operating in the area of tobacco industry down to the last labourer and tobacconist are much like nazi or communist soldiers: they are those who materially push people toward hell, gas chambers and extermination and pull the final trigger. As such, if they have a conscience awake at all, they hang in the balance of “mors tua vita mea” – “your loss is my gain”: shoot or being shot; even if only in terms of following orders and eat or refusing to comply and starve, they hang in the balance of having a conscience or burying it and, quite in addition and whether in search for justification or hiding or just out of humanoid misery, shift into the “winning” personality and saying, “that’s the way it goes, it’s the customers that crave and beg for it, if I didn’t sell it to them someone else would, and there’s no other way to make a living these days than selling abjection and death to my fellows anyway”, and the whole gamut of justifications within that well known riddle of the leeway left when surrounded by evil.
Smokers are the shame of mankind. Euphemistically speaking, the smoker is an idiot, a bully, and a betrayer. The ideal travelling companion. Especially in the presence of suppression. Smoking is inhuman and one has to be in a subhuman state to do it; it is the most stupid, abject and filthy thing one can do to self and even worse to others; it is the perfect symbol of humanoid unworthiness, and any hope is inversely proportional to its existence. A humanoid capable of such an absolute betrayal and infinitely stupid abjection is not only capable of anything – as anything is equal or lesser than the infinite – but will be committing it actually, infinitely and indefinitely; and such is exactly the case with ignoring, overlooking and tolerating the existence of suppressive intentions and actions and omissions of individuals being either suppressive or potential trouble sources – the basic cause –, of debt money – the basic suppressive foundation –, and of the infinite debt trap – the main resulting suppression –. When it comes to being serious with the real basics, the value of the addicted as a fellow freedom fighter is that of his/her addiction: much less than zero. The amount of hope, chances and ways out is inversely proportional to that of smokers and smoke in existence.