Overflight, 73

For instance, in 1934 Germany produced domestically only 300,000 tons of natural petroleum products and less than 800,000 tons of synthetic gasoline; the balance was imported. Yet, ten years later in World War II, after transfer of the Standard Oil of New Jersey hydrogenation patents and technology to I. G. Farben (used to produce synthetic gasoline from coal), Germany produced about 6 1/2 million tons of oil – of which 85 percent … was synthetic oil using the Standard Oil hydrogenation process. Moreover, the control of synthetic oil output in Germany was held by the I. G. Farben subsidiary, Braunkohle−Benzin A. G., and this Farben cartel itself was created in 1926 with Wall Street financial assistance.
… The business press [in the United States] was aware, from 1935 on, that German prosperity was based on war preparations. More important, it was conscious of the fact that German industry was under the control of the Nazis and was being directed to serve Germany's rearmament, and the firm mentioned most frequently in this context was the giant chemical empire, I. G. Farben.
… The evidence presented … suggests that not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Nazism, but for its own purposes aided Nazism wherever possible (and profitable) – with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States. …
It was [Hitler's financial genie, Hjalmar Horace Greeley] Schacht … who conceived the idea which later became the Bank for International Settlements. …
The B.I.S. apex continued its work during World War II as the medium through which the bankers – who apparently were not at war with each other – continued a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas, information, and planning for the post−war world. As one writer has observed, war made no difference to the international bankers:
