Overflight, 71
The doctrine of Capital, in short, has shown itself as little else than the idea that unprincipled thieves and antisocial groups should be allowed to gnaw into the rights of ownership. This tendency "to gnaw into" has been recognised and stigmatised from the time of the laws of Moses and he called it neschek. And nothing differs more from this gnawing or corrosive than the right to share out the fruits of a common cooperative labour.
Indeed USURY has become the dominant force in the modern world.”
“The politicians are the waiters of bankers.”
“You can’t do a good economy with a bad ethics.”
“The treasure of a nation is its honesty.”
Ezra Pound, What is Money For?, and from it.wikiquote.org, some quoted in Giacinto Auriti, Il Paese dell'Utopia (The Land of Utopia)
“That the politician is today – as Pound said – the «banker's waiter» emerges from the obvious consideration that, if the Governor of the Central Bank and the Head of government are compared, the first can lend or deny all the money he wants, the second can only borrow it or not, solely on loan. It is therefore obvious that the second is the waiter of the first, but not because he is a servile soul, but because the rules of the game do not permit otherwise.”
Giacinto Auriti, as quoted in Marco Saba, Moneta Nostra (Our Money, author’s note)
“We absolutely know that no people can (on the past and present basis) produce so−called capital and centralize it in individual ownership, along with the right of the owners to tax us by the rule of geometrical progression of accumulative interest dividends and rents, without making of us a nation of insolvents and creating a condition of poverty for all men. … Also, we absolutely know that the trusts, as a result of the centralizing of the control of the industrial agencies and material resources operated in connection with their juggling of credits and money, have made us dependent upon the trusts for employment. This is the industrial slavery that the capitalistic interests prefer to chattel slavery. If we were chattel slaves they would have to care for us in sickness and old age, whereas now they are not concerned with us except for the time during which we work for them. …