From Humanoid Faults to Manipulated Consensus, 43
Time and again we’ve been told and taught by wiser forerunners that we inexorably begin to care about issues just a shade too late, and they are wise because of the snowball effect: the more you allow a threat to grow, the stronger it gets and the harder to defeat. It has been said that it’s better to stop villains when they are still small… that’s where the importance of our alertness, resolve, determination, as opposed to our lag, lies. And indeed those forerunners referred to our freedom, in the first place: we care about our freedom – provided we care about it at all – when it’s too late, when nearly all of it has already been stolen and recovering it is a nearly desperate task. How come this lag?
We have a despicable inclination to mimic and adopt the laws of the physical universe; we’re higher entities with a disposition to the self−degradation of behaving like lesser entities. And this is not only blasphemous, but destructive as well. It is blasphemous because we are not material entities – not when we exercise our faculties at the very least – so when we downgrade ourselves to the lesser level of material things this is what we do. But what about the consequences?
In the physical universe there is a law we call “the Law of Supply and Demand” according to which the value of something is determined by how scarce or abundant that something is. I’ll mention just in passing that when our inclination replaces that “something” with “someone” we pave the way to a bottomless stream of horrors, and I’ll leave it up to you to list as many examples as you can recognize of us acting on that basis, but I invite you to look at what happens when it comes to freedom: since we value freedom on the basis of its abundance or scarcity, hence history cyclically repeats itself, and when we feel we have lots of freedom – regardless of it being real or already merely staged – we drop its value and so we go on overlooking the endless stream of “minor” restrictions and losses of freedom, so that when we finally wake up we’re already slave since very long.