Whether Everyone Has a Price or Not, Now Someone Has The Money, 3

The snowball effect of such an unprecedented concentration of power casts a shadow you may already catch sight of, usually labelled “social engineering”: this is the dawn of feasibility for their plans to alter the social pyramid profile; if such pyramid is unpalatable in itself, well, the profile of it they’re working at is even worse, far worse. There exists a social pyramid where the higher you get the fewer people there are up there; and the goal of social engineering is a reshaped pyramid where the higher you get the even less people than before there are up there, and those that were up there and now aren’t there anymore have been either dumped downwards or plainly eliminated. Mad scientists at the service of totalitarian regimes as we know them are but children in a playground, compared to them.

And that’s the brave new world where we’re heading: the birth of a mafia−like unsurmountable competitive advantage lays the foundation for the apparently ineluctable – and fatal – market tendency towards oligopoly and monopoly, as the building blocks of social engineering in the making. Every fish eaten by a bigger fish, every company engulfed by a bigger company, every bigger company engulfed in turn by a multinational corporation controlled by bankers, and all this on the basis of that unrivalled advantage and our proneness to blindly or forcedly fall for it. Think you still live in a world where there’s abundance of competitors to ensure fair competition? Just dig out and count the multinational corporations actually owning the company brands you live surrounded by. Wonderland on stage, Matrix in the backstage.