The Hollowed Out Foundations, 2

Consequently, in every Chart whose title is “Constitution” the first two words after the title ought to be: “Monetary Sovereignty”. And its first chapter ought to be devoted to defining what media of payment are, what money is, which freedoms exist, and which limitations to freedoms and monopolies, if any, exist, with regards to them, and how they are regulated. And this ought to be dictated in not just any law, mind, but in the Constitution itself – the Chart at the foundation of that society – and dictated completely, exactly, specifically to its smallest detail, and permanently. So that the puppet politicians on call cannot change it, alter it, twist it, hollow it out, turn it inside out to their or their puppeteers advantage. And so simply and clearly stated that anyone – in the people, regardless of puppetees and puppets – can understand it fully, and so understand what’s really going on and if what is dictated is really taking place or not. As well as understand whether what is written in that Constitution and what is taking place in that Country are fair or unfair, and hence easily abide by it or overthrow it accordingly, by the way. Specifically, things like who is the owner of the purchasing power of money the moment it gets born and the moment it ceases to exist, if it ever does, and how, and why. You get the idea?

Now that you know 1) what the fundamental of fundamentals is, 2) where you’d expect to find it carved in marble, 3) what its absence is going to produce, and 4) the why behind all this, well, now go and inspect.

Basic monetary legislation is not just disregarded. It’s full of gaps in the first place. Maliciously full of gaps. Basic gaps. So it can be subjected to acts of a lesser status therefore more easily within the range of partners in crime, who can take advantage for themselves and set up their praxis either out of crooked laws, or even better out of those gaps, lacking any law either explicitly allowing or forbidding that praxis. And what’s more important, keep on doing so day after day, year after year, decade after decade, while politicians quarrel on the stage to cover up the continuous noise of the stolen purchasing power being conveyed through the pipeline of debt money and infinite debt trap.

A legal system is such only because people agree that it is and abide by it; the next way to turn democracy in a Trojan horse consists in exploiting this by infiltrating the social structure and turning it into a pyramid of parasites.