Speculation, Winners, Losers and Odious Debts: Finance Against Economy, 2
And what is more, the gambling is also fixed. Not only there are the speculators that merely steal existing money by sleight of hand. Even though they can and do bleed you dry like piranhas if they’re allowed to operate, those are but the small fry. Other, less visible and far more dangerous, speculators exist that operate by manipulating the very monetary base, and those are the real big fishes: the usurpers of monetary sovereignty.
I previously mentioned stagflation, just in passing: the occurrence of inflation and stagnation at the same time, contradicting the dogmas of mainstream economists. On one side there is no money for people, the preys that starve in stagnation; on the other side, the horn of plenty never stops to pour a waterfall of money in the hands of moneypulators, the predators. About one hundred years ago in his caricatural drawings, with good reason George Grosz drew the plutocrats, those who rule by the power of money, as quite grotesque and anticipating the pigs of Orwell’s Animal Farm. That good reason is utterly basic and is this: those sneering plutocrats have got their hands on monetary sovereignty, the power to decide not only how much money, but in whose hands as well.
We can rapidly mention here the many reasons discussed elsewhere why gambling is utterly out ethics and it must never be condoned: it is a game where the majority loses by definition, with absolute certainty; what someone wins is what someone else loses, if not even a fraction of it while the rest is waste or damage;
it educates to roguishness instead of wise intelligence, to the idea that earnings come not from honest production and delivery, but from snatching bread from someone else’s mouth, that is, it educates to be PTS to the idea that life consists of either shooting or being shot, a destructive false idea spread by suppressives to the aim of dividing people and putting them against each other instead of against them; and it educates to be PTS to the idea that where roguishness will not work the outcome depends on fate instead of good work, a further destructive false idea spread by suppressives to the aim of educating into the most lethal disease, apathy, as the idea that one can’t do anything about it is the very hallmark of apathy.