Democracy: How Much and for Whom?, 2

Back to the aforementioned claim along this line, “If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it”, in my humble opinion, this formula lacks a key factor to be more accurate: if voting made any difference, if it were of any help in solving problems – once trapped under the hidden influence of the criminal conspiracy built on debt money and infinite debt trap – those criminals would certainly not allow us to vote, would they? Such a statement can be objectively tested against reality: while the criminal conspiracy, debt money and the infinite debt trap continue to exist untouched, do elections solve problems? In other words: if that huge drain at the bottom of our fish tank remains happily and steadily wide open, will any quarrelling about taps bring about any rescue from asphyxiation? So, why are we allowed to “freely” vote? To begin with, recall what that Mr. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild said – and I hope by now you know who this person was: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws”.
This gives you a first idea of the relations of power between the players. This said, then the so−called paradox of vote ensues: if it doesn’t work, why is it supported? Evidently, it must suit those who have the power to support it. Panem et circenses, bread and circuses, the Romans said: missing, stolen, poisoned bread and inconsequential distraction, we may translate it now. Cui prodest, the Romans also said: who profits from it, as usual one’d better ask? Democracy “works” – for the moneypulators – in a quite peculiar sense suiting their purposes: to the degree you think it 1) is operating and 2) is working out, it legitimates the arbitrary abuses of the autocrats. And that is quite in addition to its covering up their “squanderings” by blaming them on their victims, as mentioned before. As I already said: the purpose it serves is covering up the real causes, real responsibilities, real crimes and criminals, and let us believe it is all our fault and that’s just the way it is and goes, and there’s nothing we can do about it and no better way to go about it anyway.