The Harvest Snowballs: The Banker-King-Big Corporation and Banker-Politician-Big Corporation Criminal Conspiracy, 2

What common denominator there can be amongst organized crime, monopoly, oligopoly, and the crime syndicate headed by the banker? Unfair competition. Crude organized crime persuades to choose it instead of all its competitors by means of a rude reasoning, threat, while the less crude and more far−seeing may use a mellower one: bargain. But the end result is the same: monopoly thanks to unfair competition.

Not only money out of nothing costs nothing, hence it can be lent for a lower interest thus kicking out of business one’s direct competitors; that’s just the beginning of it: this unfair advantage spreads covertly through the whole market like a wildfire. When a competitor in any sector is more or less covertly backed by those who can create money – purchasing power – out of nothing, you can easily guess how this reflects on its costs, and therefore on its prices, and therefore on how the value for money of its products is going to be a compelling bargain compared to its competitors. And furthermore, the worse the economic situation and the poorer people gets, the more compelling that bargain will be, right?

The bigger fishes engulf the smaller ones because they do have the power to. Where does this power come from? More efficiency, scale economy, better management, more investments? Afraid the sum of these alone could not account for the whole of the existing gap. This unfair competition fuelled by stolen purchasing power created out of thin air does not even require them to be impolite, allowing them to use bargains instead of threats; and it’s no more a matter of “if”, but just of “when”: with such an advantage it’s just a matter of time that they throw their competitors out of business first and then seize the spoils of war. They also call it dumping: taking advantage of a financial supply big enough and cheap enough to hold on selling at a loss long enough to throw anyone else out of business and seize monopoly eventually. And if anyone else may even have vast and cheap financial supplies available, these were finite anyway; there exists only one financial supply infinite and at zero cost, and it belongs to those who can create purchasing power out of thin air.