Hunger Robbers for Robbery Wars, 11

Such cases should arouse no surprise, and in order to understand what’s going on, in order to ascertain the presence of a parasite and the ensuing state of zombiefication, it takes just one question:
In whose hands is the monetary sovereignty of the robber nation? The host’s or the parasite’s? The government’s or the bankster’s?

Is its monetary sovereignty controlled by a money parasite through an infinite debt trap? That is the question.

That said, up to this point we have seen how a money parasite pushes ONE host zombified organism to steal from the plates of its neighbours. Now, as Joker would put it, “Gentlemen! Let’s broaden our minds!” One step beyond that, war is designed to plunge ALL parties involved into debt. Into an infinite debt trap. To the benefit of the hidden third party fomenting it: the money parasite, the moneypulators. In the first case, one nation is PTS and attacks other nations; in the second case, all nations involved are PTS and attack each other; in both cases, the cause is a suppressive third party behind it all.