Synopsis (Recap), 21
The key to all this is obviously that each one of us studies and thus knows what honest money and means of credit, payment and exchange are and how they work.
The plan is simple, clear and precise, and it is that we all, personally and independently from rulers, use them more and more, gradually increasing the part of the economy exchanged through them until the total of it is.
Everything is basically agreement, and media of exchange are an agreement, too: let’s agree upon ours and dissent from theirs. We will discover, as it is with all real solutions, it is even more feasible and beneficial than we think.
These are the reasons why:
a) Justice
Putting an end to what is probably the greatest crime against humanity, at the hidden root of all the others, and disciplining the culprites, is sacrosanct.
b) Disinfestation
Healing in a decisive manner is based on removing the cause at the root of the mestastases. Putting an end to the infinite purchasing power at zero cost at the disposal of the criminals and of their monopolistic, destructive and evil intentions is the effective way to stop the dystopian drift and the suicidal destruction under way everywhere, because it takes away the energy that powers them in the first place.
c) Sovereignty
We consider democracy the best possible political system, despite all its limits and shortcomings, because we’re conditioned to conceive society and government in terms of proxy, of political representation; by overcoming this limit we can discover that the exercise of monetary sovereignty by its legitimate owners, the citizens, is a non−delegated economic democracy superior to any delegated political democracy, intrinsically free of the limits and shortcomings of these. What is impossible in terms of political proxy is feasible in terms of non−delegated economy: while in political democracy, on the basis of a vote at the very best sporadic, generic, emotional, superficial and approximate, we delegate others to take on our behalf a myriad of specific decisions on subjects we do not even know, that eventually fall on anyone, and, moreover, with the majority coercing the minorities, in the economy everyone of us, individually and continuously, on a case by case basis, from time to time, moment by moment, each time one decides to use or not to use one’s purchasing power one takes economic decisions that constitute a vote in favour of or not in favour of, pertinent, specific, in−depth and precise, that does not fall on anyone and does not involve a majority coercing the minorities, because anyone is just as free to do the same and support or not to support what one sees fit, and without such individual decisions consolidating in monopolistic majorities that oppress minorities. This achieves what is defined as a voluntary permanent referendum anyone freely and spontaneously participates to.