Synopsis (Recap), 17
Point one: it is possible to do something about it
Decide that it is possible to do something about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it does matter that it’s useful: if you don’t make this decision you will do nothing, and if you will do nothing you won’t have a chance to find out what is actually possible. If you think that everything is impossible, the possible becomes impossible, too; if you think that everything is possible, only then the possible becomes possible, which is not at all a foregone conclusion, and even the impossible can become possible, which can make a difference.
Point two: total personal responsibility
Acknowledge that it depends on you and you alone. There are cause and effect in the world, and one can be more or less active or passive, cause of effect. Be aware that the more you are cause the better, and the more you are effect the worse. Hence decide to be cause and not effect. And decide to assume to be limitlessly cause. Assume that anything that occurs, any place and any time, it is not only your concern, but even depends on you. As for the previous point, it doesn’t matter if it’s true, it does matter that it’s useful: if you think you’re effect, you will be effect and you’ll be trapped; if you think you are cause, you’ll be able to be cause and you’ll have a chance to get out of the trap.
Point three: willingness to know
Decide that you really want to know what is really important: seeking it, discovering it, observing it, verifying it, and using it. Be aware that you must do it very carefully, more carefully than you would think necessary. Assume that I don’t understand means I don’t know. And that there’s much to know, and it is vital that you know it. They say the devil hides in the details; he most definitely counts on the fact that the least we know the more we’re convinced that we know best.