Crime Against Humanity: the Bill, 5

And since willingness is a requisite of action and action is a requisite of achievement, we should not even overlook including in the bill the psychological effects of moneypulators’ crimes, too; they make life harder if not impossible, they put survival in jeopardy, they conceal the real causes – them – out of sight, they distract, confuse and mislead with wrong causes – anything and anyone else but them –, and each of these points cripples the very foundations underpinning willingness. Freedom and scope for action, clear visibility of the causes, confidence in self and in feasibility, both based upon achieved results, certainty of the ground beneath one’s feet in terms of steadfast principles, legal certainty and justice, these are the kind of things underpinning willingness, and there is where the crimes of moneypulators harm spirits in such a way that the very source of the energy that moves everything toward survival is endangered.

For instance, it has been said that «counterfeiting gravely cripples the moral and property rights foundation that lies at the base of any free−market economy.» To put this in a revealing perspective, free−market economy here must be understood as one where people help one another and not mistaken as one where people fight and betray one another – in other words, as an economy committed to survive, not to succumb, as history has proven that survival is a group cooperative effort. Among the foundations of the genuinely “free−market” economy, whereas free means free from suppression, you have fair exchange, certainty of property rights and freedom.
Ethics aims at survival, survival depends upon production and exchange, and production and exchange depend upon fairness of exchange because fair exchange brings about production while unfair exchange deters it, thus ethics includes fair exchange as vital to survival.