Sovereignty, Monetary Sovereignty, Monetary Monopoly
Individual freedom means that you can exercise your free will without having to ask for anyone else’s permission. Individuals group together to form families, groups and societies, then nations, laws and governments as ratified agreements to better handle their administration, and the same applies to these: sovereignty means that an entity can exercise its free will without having to ask for anyone else’s permission – it means you have nothing and nobody else above you. Nations are supposed to be the expression of the best interest of all, to be accountable to them, and as such they are supposed to have sovereignty.
Sovereignty includes monetary sovereignty. Monetary sovereignty therefore means that the nation, law and government exercise their free will in the best interest of all without having to ask for anyone else’s permission… in the field of money.
Suppressives, aiming at exploiting and/or destroying, target the seizing or control of that sovereignty, and its de−facto state is therefore a clear indicator of the current state of things.
If any entity, individual, nation or whatever, is to exert its sovereignty over something, one had better define that something, to begin with. So if a nation, a government is to exert its monetary sovereignty, well it’d be supposed to define by law what money is, that is, what are its attributes and how it works, including if it is subject to what oligo−monopolies by whom and how.
There is a very good reason why the legal definition of money has to include if it is subject to what oligo−monopolies, by whom and how: this reason is that basically the monetary sovereignty consists of the monopoly of the power to issue money. And what does “issuing money” means, exactly? It means being the owner of the purchasing power of that money, the moment it gets born. So such a legal definition would involve acknowledging the existence of an exact moment when the purchasing power of money gets born and stating who is the owner of that money and of its purchasing power when they get born, and this in turn would involve shedding light on all these matters and let them undergo public scrutiny.