Crime Against Humanity: the Holy GAAP
Every exploitation based on deception and fraud has its Holy Grail, its tabernacle where its kings without clothes hide its secrets. Where and what is that of moneypulators?
Moneypulators are essentially legalised counterfeiters: therefore, where and how is their counterfeiting legalised?
We have seen how it is concealed: by ignorance and distraction, subjection and hypnosis. In case the victims evade ignorance and distraction, they are met with subjection by making them perceive themselves as small as possible and banking as godlike as possible, and with hypnosis by brainwashing them to prevent them to wake up and realise the godlike banksters have no clothes…
Now we’re fully awake, eyes wide open and the fog lifted from them, so our next question is: legal grounds?
What are the legal grounds for moneypulation? Where are them? What do they look like? Do they exist at all, and to what degree, in the first place? And where and to what degree do they consist of carefully designed and exploited gaps?
In our quest for the legal grounds we’re going to discover that concealment did not confine itself to subjection and hypnosis, but it did thrive even more healthily and successfully in the supposedly objective, unbiased and dependable fields of law and accounting.
Let’s then outline now what the core mechanism is like, how it works, and how it is concealed, exactly; then we’ll outline the legal curtains that conceal it.
When at long last you find yourself before the moneypulators’ tabernacle, and you finally open it, this is the Holy Grail you find inside it.