Crime Against Humanity: the Ambiguous Money Cycle – Gold Standard Cycle, 11

By the way, when this scheme is perpetrated through central banks, there are simpletons invoking the so−called “helicopter money”; their reasoning makes perfect sense: since we ordinary people are all sinking into the same monetary quicksand, would central bankers please be so kind to pass the new money along to anyone directly as if it was thrown at the mob from a helicopter, instead of alloting it all to their fellow bankers who not only then profit from lending it to us, but also use it to pay to themselves stellar rewards and bonuses for crashing the world economy? Would anyone please remind those simpletons that robbers usually have a marked tendency to keep for themselves both the loot and the murder weapon rather than share them with the victims of their robberies?

Confidence tricks need trust, hence any form of propaganda plays a role here in passing off betrayal as help to people. A cute example is an old black−and−white newsreel called “The War Finance Division, United States Treasury Department presents: The Double Duty Dollar”. Its message is clearly expressed in its ditty: “We’re the dollars of the nation on parade… We’re the biggest batch of dollars ever made… Oh we used to march by millions… but now we march by billions… and maybe we’ll be trillions before you’re dead!”. Setting aside the final joke, in bad taste but less unfounded than it looks at first sight, what is interesting to observe is the way it aims at getting its message accepted. On the one hand, it titillates the rudimentary emotions of the viewer with the clichés of its period: the message is singed by a cheerful choir while smiling dancers wear giant coins as tutus; on the other hand, no critical reason is given as to why the viewer shoud accept the message as positive; so the viewer is subconsciously led to identify money with wealth. Really too bad it’s someone else’s wealth at the viewer’s expense… As we do now know, inflation is confiscation: purchasing power created out of nothing is not actually created, but stolen from the already existing purchasing power in the hands of people.

Crime Against Humanity: the Ambiguous Money Cycle – Gold Standard Cycle