Crime Against Humanity: Debt Money, 5

You tell the creditor, “But you loaned me ten quids, and all the rest should be interest anyway; how come that the loan itself keeps increasing?” The creditor tells you, “I hold the upper hand, hence I decided that the overdue debt becomes principal.”
And appetite grows with eating: you tell the creditor, “Except I just don’t understand how you can discern a quid of capital from a quid of interest, how come that even trying to follow your questionable and certainly not much straightforward logic the math still doesn’t quite add up for me?” The creditor answer is, “As I said, I hold the upper hand, hence I decided which is which, and guess what, I also decided that the first quids that you repay are interest so that as much of the capital as possible remains due for as long as possible.” Afraid your retort was lost here, but I would hope that you won’t find it difficult to reconstruct it – and possibly not just in a verbal form.

One could infer that one of the purposes of compound interest is to attract by deceit: at the beginning the cost of loan looks lower than it actually is as it keeps on increasing with time. If the same overall “profit” had to be earned with a so−called “linear” interest, that is, a system where the capital is not surreptitiously increased by the interest and so the interest is always applied to the original capital alone, the real cost of the loan would be apparent right away.

Another purpose is bypassing the charge of usury, as witnessed by the laws which usually differentiate between the two, punishing usury as a criminal offence and treating anatocism as a mere tort or even condoning it as legal.

And in all this the final purpose obviously remains always, as the Poet puts it, “seizing the world plus five percent”.
Incidentally, the suppressive game of seizing the victim by drowning it into surreptitious debt doesn’t change; the difference is merely its order of magnitude: plunging nations into debt with wars on one hand, plunging individuals into debt with that fixed race on the other.

Back to surreptitious debt in general, solvency is the ratio between income and outgo, simple as that: an individual, a group, an organization whose income is equal or greater than its outgo is solvent; one whose income is lesser than its outgo is insolvent. Debt money and the infinite debt trap are the cancer that if not eradicated will ensure that any individual, any group, any organization will sink into insolvency whatever they do, and sooner or later die of it, taking their last breath into the claws of moneypulators.

How to stage this swindle so as to be shellproof?