Monetary Sovereignty, the Ultimate Power, 4

Joking aside, given the aim above, once one has seized the issuing power, what prevents one from just flooding the world with debt fiat money out of nothing and buy the whole world and mankind out instantaneously? Of course, people would find out and tell one very kindly to shove that debt fiat money up, isn’t it?

So the reason for all complication related to the money issuing process is the most obvious and assumed since the dawn of time: using all the available bag of tricks to prevent people from finding out what is huge but simple; concealing the fraud and the beneficiaries, the crime and the criminals, so they can go on commiting it as much and as long as possible.

This said, the question becomes, how fast? Those criminals would certainly prefer to speed up the process and seize the whole world and enslave and murder us all a little bit sooner, wouldn’t they? The current complicated issuing process uses loans as pretext: the issuance occurs in the form of loaning, and the money gets born the moment it gets loaned. If the loans allowing the creation of money were only those to citizens, that would result in a rather slow process speed – at least, slow when compared to the thirst of those criminals –. Here’s where governments and similar national and supranational “public” bodies come in handy: once fiat debt money and such entities are both under control, that the latter keep hopelessly drawning in ever increasing debt serves not only the purpose of enslaving whole populations and countries through debt, but serves also the purpose of increasing the order of magnitude of the debt fiat money issued and thus speed up the whole process.

Some may want to call it Fabian Socialism. With Socialism meaning here that all animals are equal but some are more equal than others: maximizing the share of society under the control of “public” bodies, then all this has to be managed by someone anyway, and those managers, or the hidden masters of those managers, will be the masters of it all in actual fact, effectively sheltered by the formal collectivism. And with Fabian to mean gradually, that is, screwing people at the highest speed allowed by their current cognizance, which in turn can be reduced by employing the appropriate social engineering. In short, screwing you as fast as possible means screwing you as fast as you let them screw you.