Crime Against Humanity: Banking Reflux, Clearing House, Criminal Conspiracy, 10
But the bankers’ systems keep on becoming more and more oligo−monopolistic, closed and watertight. And more and more above and beyond any jurisdiction, accountability and scrutiny, as well. And more and more powerful. As the unanswerable money power becomes increasingly more powerful than the answerable legal power, as the tool grows stronger than the hand it supposedly ought to be at the service of, increasingly the question should resonate louder: Whom takes orders from whom? To whom the bankers’ Orwellian systems are instrumental?
And another obvious question ensues: who better than the all−powerful owners of such oligo−monopolistic, closed, watertight systems above the law could be in the perfect position to perpetrate on an unmatched order of magnitude exactly what they should allegedly help the legal power to prevent? The suspicions we harbour today, such as that banks and even central banks amass their banking reflux in tax havens, and that the flows of “money” through the Bank of International Settlements, the central bank of central banks, are beyond any imagination as well as beyond any jurisdiction and quite beyond the good and the evil, while we’re required to account for each hair on our head, will be nothing compared to the certainty of our final and unlimited economic slavery.
So, nothing is created – banker’s money EXCLUDED –, and nothing is destroyed – banker’s money INCLUDED –.
By the way, the fraudulent mechanisms related to “money” created by those who are not the formal holder of monetary sovereignty and those related to “money” created by its formal holder are rather distinct, and they ought to be studied as such, so as to understand more clearly and completely which applies where, regardless of whichever else applies where.
The moment to take stock of it all as a whole is when one wonders: does all this reflect in the state of the economy and of the world around us?
Comparing the statistical trends in time of the fortunes of the bankers and moneypulators and the parallel misfortunes of the rest of the world speaks for itself, and speaks volumes.
Just like usurped monetary sovereignty and fractional reserve make it possible to create purchasing power out of nothing, banking reflux and clearing house systems make it possible for that purchasing power out of nothing to persist forever and circulate almost anywhere; so, if the creation of purchasing power out of nothing is a crime against humanity, its persistence and its circulation are, too, and even more so.