Suppression, 7

What lets you crave for a pill as the modern holy bread, the same uncomfortable notion above that you are someone and as such you are able to master your fate, or the notion that you are something, not someone, and there is something wrong about that something called you that something else can – hopefully – fix without your participation?
What lets you demand and hail uniforms that will “protect” you by shooting you, other than the notion of a carefully orchestrated dangerous environment?
What lets you pledge allegiance to any form of monopoly, be it spiritual, material or anything, other than an effective campaign to isolate you from anything else?
What lets you build up your want for drugs better than labelling as disorder what is not, never was, and never will be? Just recently we had a textbook case in point, with a new marketing campaign targeting personal hygiene and labelling it as an obsession. Who will seize the power to decree what is normal or abnormal if we don’t kick them out of their fake pulpits?

That tobacco and drug cartels grow in direct ratio to the degradation of individual spine and social fabric is so proven a fact that their penetration in society can be used as a direct indicator of its state.
Last, but far from the least, there is another indicator of the degree of personal and social degradation of the same species, which is somewhat less easily detected and recognised as such, which is therefore our main subject here: the degree of growth and social penetration of banksters (gangster−bankers, later on you will tell if I adopted this inspired neologism with good reason…), of their partners in crime and above all of their puppeteers.