Our Highest Duties and Skills, 2

I previously touched upon how fundamental it is to be cause instead of effect in order to make things go right instead of astray, and upon how responsibilty is instrumental to this; an example comes in handy now to highlight how unnoticed, insidious, basic and widespread the infiltration of suppressives can be and thus easily succeed in inadvertently turning us into potential trouble sources. Today's trendy mantra is, Man is an animal among animals, and Man's main ability is that to adjust to his environment – good dog, sit!
Observe it more closely: Man has advanced and has conquered his environment much more than animals did. And animals’ main ability is that to adjust to their environment. Did Man progress by adjusting himself to the environment? Not at all. Man did not develop a fur; Man developed the ability to control fire. It has been said that the main ability of Man is that to adjust the environment to himself. Not that to settle for the reverse. The more animals adjust to the environment, the more they are effect; the more Man adjusts the environment to himself, the more he is cause. And the difference of progress of Man and animals in history is proof that the more one is cause the more one moves forward. On this basis, even without bringing up the negligible side effect that if Man is a soulless animal his suppression becomes less intolerable, you can understand the intentions behind such trendy mantra and the scope and depth of its consequences.

In summary, we have three key advances here:
1: tracing the root cause to the common denominator of the suppressive, the potential trouble source and their relationship;
2: realising the seriousness and the order of magnitude of the fallout of that root cause;
3: realising that successfully handling that root cause, or lacking to do it, is the make−break point of all human existences, civilisations, endeavours, and anything, and thus ranks FIRST among ALL human knowledge and duties.

To feel tangibly why these three key advances are vital, I wish you’d look around in search of actual examples of their absence: people suffering from the consequences of suppressives and potential trouble sources that, being unaware of these key points, blame and thus harm an endless stream of wrong, innocent targets, thus acting as potential trouble sources themselves and creating further consequences they suffer from, while the real suppressives and key potential trouble sources always slip away undetected from under every wrong target, switching from the used up Trojan horse to the next Trojan horse they’ll exploit to keep on poisoning people’s existence and lead it to one disaster after the other.