Stéphane Courtois (and others)
The Black Book of Communism. Crimes, Terror, Repression (Le livre noir du communisme. Crimes, terreur, répression, 1997, author's note), (with: Nicolas Werth, Jean−Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartošek, Jean−Louis Margolin, Joachim Gauck, Ehrhart Neubert, Lennart Meri, Mart Laar, Alexandre Iakovlev), 1999
Du passé faisons table rase! Histoire et mémoire du communisme en Europe (Let’s Make a Clean Sweep of the Past! History and Memories of Communism in Europe, author’s note) (with: Joachim Gauck, Alexandre Iakovlev, Martin Malia, Mart Laar, Plamen Cvetkov, Ljubomir Ognjanov, Dinju Šarlanov, Romulus Rusan, Ehrhart Neubert, Ilios Yannakakis, Philippe Baillet, Philippe Deletant, Stefan Maritiu, Gheorghe Onisoru, Marius Oprea, Stelian Tanase), 2002