What Do I Have to Do with It? And Why Me?, 5

If you’re an activist of anything, be more effective by clearing any prejudice, bias and wedge driven between us, particularly if you’re not aware of it, and locate yourself in the overall scene. If you’re fighting to save a branch, find out at its roots what you’re trying to save it from. Let’s help each other better by reversing the “divide et impera” (divide and rule) enemy’s strategy: know all the fronts, who your friends are on those fronts, and that we’re all on the same side. Problems and their causes form a pyramid: many problems at a given level are caused by the same problem at a more basic level, and so no. If you solve one at a level basic enough, you have a chance to solve your one, too. So, whathever branch we fight to save, let’s make common cause at the root.

If you’re an artist and you see, feel, dream and conceive ahead of your fellows, awake among the asleep, whatever your hopes, plans and chances to wake them up to human decency and beyond, they all need a safe base: if the problem of your fellows is sheer survival, lack of hope, dehumanising ignorance or being on sleeping pills, you can easily estimate your chances to wake them up if you don’t handle that first.