Wars Amongst the Poor – the Right Question, 4

So what’s this essay, and why I have written it to you? It is intended as a map of what is really taking place in the backstage of the crisis. It is my opinion that both you and me, regardless of whether we like it or not, for the simple reason that we exist we share certain responsibilities. I have written this map for you so that we all benefit from the fact that you too know what’s really going on.

To this aim, please keep your feet on the ground, and always look at the ideas and concepts mentioned here strictly from the point of view that they are tools to better discover, observe, understand, evaluate hard facts and get somewhere, not idle sparks to dawdle oblivious in the opposite direction.

On the archipelago, there are people who know a lot about what is discussed here, but they are too few and from those scattered islands it may be difficult to share the overall perspective. On the mainland, there are a lot of people, with little time on their hands, who know nothing at all, or worse know only a few things in a flawed perspective, or even worse they think they know but all they know are fabrications. This essay aims at being a bridge between the mainland and all the islands of the archipelago.

It has been said that Who, What, Where, When, Why are the fundamental questions and answers in gathering the information to solve the problem, so:
Who: Who is the cause of what is going on? And who can do something about it?
What: What is going on, actually and exactly? And what can be done about it, actually and exactly?
Where: Where is it happening? And where can something be done about it?
When: Is it happening right now? And how long it’s been that way?
Why: Why those causing it are doing it? Why doing something about it is the sensible choice?