Crime Against Humanity: the Ambiguous Money Cycle – Gold Standard Cycle, 10

In the third stage, as appetite comes with eating, plain thieves and lunatic leaders start to get the hang of promising people the moon by snatching more than they give in exchange, so here the step change is the ambition to bully the neighbourhood and snatch by crook what they can’t take by hook; hence they steer the institutions towards another trend, that of building up muscles: an increasingly massive military apparatus and the ensuing acceleration of costs and insolvency.

In the fourth stage, as by dint of fiddling with one’s toys and with the idea of ransacking the neighbours sooner or later one moves from words to deeds, there wars break out; and there wars continue, too, in a further trend towards a state of perpetual war – and ensuing drastic hike of costs and insolvency; after all, war is the most expensive idiocy under the sun, and what someone spends someone else earns…

In the fifth stage, most of the pigeons begin to come home to roost – more or less spontaneously, since as we have seen this is harvest time for those who sowed the whole cycle in the first place… As we noticed there are two ways to screw people, overtly or covertly, the second being the easier one; the weight of the induced insolvency of institutions can be dumped on people overtly to the degree they apathetically put up with it, and now that weight has raised well beyond that degree, so it’s time to go about it covertly. Whether this stage starts now to fund war or it was already underway and now just speeds up, this is the stage of debasement of money getting rampant: thieves and leaders begin to heavily exploit monetary sovereignty to create purchasing power out of nothing, by either reducing the amount of precious metals in coins, replacing coins with paper, or whatever confidence trick.