Crime Against Humanity: Pensée Unique in Economics, 51

So, if the real purpose of the Pensée Unique is not to “work” – at least not in the sense economists in good faith mean: for the benefit of people – then what is the real purpose that it serves, exacty?

A first clue is that, once called its bluff, the Pensée Unique in Economics has demonstrated something, after all: it refutes itself.
We’re back to the key crucial point in that first basic assumption: the word “IF”. Did we notice that first tenet contains a condition, a requisite? It states that it will be all right for all… if, provided that, on the condition that. As those conditions will never occur in the real world, likewise it will never produce its stated results.
So one wonders, why go to the trouble of setting up a bluff doomed to break under its own weight? Just pour rire – just for the fun of it?
Werner again points out, “neoclassical models have demonstrated quite precisely that free markets and free trade would only then lead to optimum welfare, and government intervention would only then be an inefficient distortion of the economy, if and only if …, neoclassical economics found that liberalisation, deregulation and privatisation would only improve economies in situations where everyone had perfect information … and so on. It has demonstrated that demand will equal supply if and only if … The string of highly restrictive and unrealistic assumptions on which the neoclassical models are based are like the uncomfortable small print in a contract that gets easily overlooked. But they have far−reaching implications.”

Is the real purpose of the Pensée Unique in Economics perhaps to be a strategic invitation to apathy on the subject? Staging the fiction of the impossibility of getting to grips with the economy to plunge us all into an apathy as deep as possible on the subject, for the very good reason that the thicker is the curtain of our apathy about it, the more we leave the field open to moneypulators, and the more vastly and deeply they can tamper with the economy?
Yes indeed, but that’s just the beginning.