Crime Against Humanity: Pensée Unique in Economics, 24

There would be no investigating police officers. Since there would be nothing to find out, and everyone knew everything, that would for sure shift the British Bulldogs game to another plane…
Probably, there wouldn’t even be telepathy: we already knew everything.
By the way, there would be no economists, either.

Dulcis in fundo, there would be no money. Yep: no quids. Why? Money is the solution to the problem of barter by splitting it and separating and disengaging from one another the two flows of the exchange. The problem of barter is that we don’t find someone who wants to have what we want to give and wants to give what we want to have; but in the parallel neoclassical universe of ‘perfect information’ there is no such a problem; isn’t it? Hence, no reason to invent money as a means of exchange in the first place.

Ironically then, if this tenet of ‘perfect information’ serving the greater interests of moneypulators and their partners in crime were true, the very raw material for them to erect their philosopher’s stone upon, with which to perpetrate the greatest swindle and the greatest crime against humanity in human history would not exist in the first place.

Well, so much for the “perfect information”. Werner observes, “It is no exaggeration to say that each one of us spends most of our time gathering, analysing, disseminating information and communicating with others. It is the very essence of our activities. It is the essence of commercial activity and hence of what happens in an economy. To assume perfect information is to assume that none of this happens.” My two cents, if we knew everything there is to know already, we would have little point in communicating. And it has been said that one is as alive as one can and does communicate.

Now, if all that were still not enough, it so happens that a large chunk of uncomfortable real world went to the trouble of refuting – or, rather, belying – the neoclassical economic theory as well: the Japanese “anomaly”.