From Humanoid Faults to Manipulated Consensus, 37

The intended result of mainstream education is less critical evaluation and more plain acceptance, is teaching you to forget your ability to put together the pieces and to concentrate on becoming a short−sighted specialist that merely handles your piece, totally unaware of its relationships to the rest of the puzzle. No more a free autonomous thinker, researcher, observer, evaluator; now a mere executor providentially oblivious of the existence of puzzles.
A further “convenient” facet of this oblivion is through the pulverization of responsibility: when committing a crime, be it legalised or not, is the sole decision of a single or few individuals, facing one’s conscience and responsibility is a hardly avoidable issue; but when that decision is split into high enough a number of decisions small enough and short−sighted enough, the concealment of the puzzle will make committing crimes possible without conscience and responsibility noticing it.
Another “convenient” facet can be seen now and then in praises of blind obedience, particularly stressed on those instrumental in acting as tools in the hands of the few to oppress the many, such as those wearing some kind of uniform: these are educated to be proud of their blinkers, of trusting and serving with limited knowledge, so that when needed they can be brought to “protect” people by shooting them, and in absolute good faith.
But when the survival of us all is at stake, there is no right to stupidity, there is no right to ignorance, there is no right to no confront. There are no excuses, no eluding, the truth is basically simple and you've got nowhere to hide, nothing to hide behind: are you being loyal to whom? To a clique suppressing the rest of us, or to us all?

Hard to defeat short−sightedness in scope when it is but the outer Russian Doll supported by its inner ones.