From Humanoid Faults to Manipulated Consensus, 26

And finally then let’s dig a bit deeper and broader into this, to say that we’re more interested in asserting being right than in actually being right. If our opinion says A and reality says B, we choose A. Because our priority is safeguarding our legitimacy at the helm, regardless of the rocks around the hull. To a point that our opinion is reality to us, not the reality.
As usual, we just let a rational impulse go astray, spin out, get back on track the wrong way and thus become the first factor to jeopardise its own original purpose. Another blessing joins the ranks of those making our manipulators’ work more easy, far reaching, truth−proof and durable. All they have to do is conquer the fortress of our pet fixations, and from that moment on we will be their trustworthy allies against the attacks of truth and common sense.

We’re wobbling and going in circles:

Frangar, non flectar, the Latin saying goes: I’d rather break than bend. And indeed we’re volatile, incoherent even more than capricious, wobbling even more than consciously hypocritical. As if we were hypnotized to act like politicians without realizing it, our stance now is different from one moment ago, without plausible reasons intervening in the meantime.
We discuss a subject with someone and we come to a conclusion which looks like a fundamental point and a result as such, then that someone comes back later on counting on making further progress from that point onwards, only to discover that in the meantime we reversed to a stance we took prior to the discussion, that we’re probably not even aware we’re eating our words, and the whole thing was just wasted time and sweat.
We are the stone that poor Sisyphus is doomed to push up the hill only to see it roll down again – for ever.