From Humanoid Faults to Manipulated Consensus, 14

Then, the inconceivable blasphemy occurs: the Big Brother becomes the mother of all reality shows. The very target we point our weapon at snatches it from our hands and turns it against us. Brute force crushes intelligence. Or, rather, intelligence allows brute force to do so. And what was feared as a nightmare by intelligence, an existence under surveillance, gets usurped by the sheer brute force of television and becomes the abject trivial norm of entertainment for stultified fools.
Within a generation, we went from knowing the Big Brother as the impending absolute evil of ruthless ubiquitous expropriation and destruction of our deepest selves, thanks to Orwell, to knowing the Big Brother as the trivialised normalcy of spying each other’s bewildered staged vacuity, thanks to the puppeteers of our culture. Within a generation, we went from looking at evil straight in the eye to being the product of its success. This is not just the ultimate insult of brute force to intelligence. This is no small achievement on the part of suppressives, and no small shame on the part of us.

If we don’t protect our intelligence with enough force, it is liable to be not only crushed, but even worse tu be usurped and turned against us as well, and that’s exactly what the “winning” personality will do to the “losing” personality: when intelligence portrays to stigmatise, it uses quotation marks to express to others that its depiction is a parody for the purpose of criticism; when the “winning” personality usurps that depiction with brute force, being incapable to even notice those quotation marks, it tears them off unceremoniously, and then seizes that depiction to the letter and uses it to feed its brute force by phagocytising its own caricature in the face of a bowing down audience composed of “losing” personalities.