Moneypulation, the Philosopher’s Stone, 2

Which God, alien or human gave these directions is beside the mark; the point is they prove that a really long time ago someone knew about the philosopher’s stone, its hostile and predatory aim, and the instructions to follow to attain it.
William Guy Carr reports how “The story of the Life of Christ shows that he loved ALL people except one particular group. He hated the money−lenders with an intensity that seems strange in a man of so mild a character. Jesus repeatedly admonished the money−lenders for their practice of usury. … He said they were of the Synagogue of Satan. … He emphatically expressed His extreme hatred of the money−lenders when he took a whip and drove them out of the Temple. He admonished them in these words: «This Temple was built as the house of God … But you have turned it into a den of thieves.» By performing this act of vengeance on the money−lenders Christ signed his own death warrant.” And Giovanni Lazzaretti points out, “go and read the encyclical of Pope Benedict XIV, it's called Vix Pervenit, and it tells you, again: any lending at interest is usurious in nature, even though it was a poor lending to a rich, even though the borrower draws substantial profits. The only way to draw anything from money is going into business with the borrower. In that case you can have more, but that more goes with the enterprise risk. If you bring up interest instead, then the world laughed; today, it doesn't laugh any more. Interest is devastating; mental zero rate must be our course of action.”
This head−on conflict with the aforementioned directions proves that a really long time ago someone also knew enough about the evil nature of this “beast” to fight it within the scope of the Holy Scriptures themselves.

This gives you an idea of what is stabbing us in the back, and since how long; now turn around and look the beast straight in the eye.