From Goldsmiths to Bankers, from Money to Currency, 11

Which hell, blind or knowing? Which torturers, savage barbarians or cold−blooded mass murderers? If they’re all brutes, it will just remain that sort of hell indefinitely; but if some of them will be cunning enough, an oligo−monopoly will clot, consolidate and emerge, that will steal it from the other gangs, leaving them with only the crumbs. Well, while people pays the price of it all anyway, how can some bank become more equal than others and steal it from the other banks? What form is this criminal monopoly going to take on? One that is going to come forth shortly along this line: central banking.

Anyway, back to the current core to sum it up, the philosopher’s stone, the monetary manipulation allowing the goldsmith−banker to seize purchasing power at such a pace and order of magnitude to raise him above his fellows, consists of creating accepted media of payment out of thin air of which he is the owner. A house of cards built on nothingness entails risks, when enough people realize the scam. As history has it, in the beginning a bank run – and the discovery of paper money circulating against empty vaults – may end up with some banker properly executed. But this custom must have been discontinued as we hardly hear about it, today. Oddly enough, today the whole society is called upon to fill those vaults found empty. Could we ever provide a better example of a 180 degrees shift? It took some time and work for bankers to build up their house of cards, but they must have been quite successful, though, as demonstrated by the difference of how this thing was handled then and is handled now. Just as any criminal, they consider the loot worth the risk of being caught; but that’s not all: as their grip upon society grows stronger, their risk decreases and the hell gets deeper for us all; after all, their basic goal is our suppression. How come that what cost bankers their necks before now is their legally ratified right?