Crime Against Humanity: “National”, “Federal”, “Central” Banking, 19
The central banking masquerade was – and is – instrumental in artificially bolstering public faith in the banking system, so that bankers, bosses and subordinates, to that degree can indefinitely expand creation of purchasing power out of nothing in their pockets through fractional reserve promises of non−existing deliveries, seize with it all targets’ properties, lives, bodies and souls, and dump all the costs and the risks on the targets themselves via the State and the government connivance.
In order to avoid leaving gray areas, finally, I would like to single out a specific facet of how the fraudulent scheme of “central” banking backs up the other fraudulent scheme of fractional reserve: why did bosses reserve to the central bank the monopoly of the privilege of issuing physical money out of nothing, while they granted to other banks the privilege to issue credit out of the same nothing?
The purpose of the bosses is to ensure their own control. Control in order to prevent bank runs on single banks, control in order to prevent bank runs on the system, control in order to keep the scheme working, control in order to maximise and secure as much as possible to themselves its fraudulent and totalitarian profits, control in order to maintain their control. And to this aim the bosses imposed as much criminal consolidation of control as the power they had amassed allowed them to: there’s money in it for all, but I am the boss.
Bank credit and physical money are a “promise and delivery” pair, and the fractional reserve “works” by passing off promise as delivery. So central banks ensure that other banks toe the line as to promises via the reserve requirement, and that they toe the line as to deliveries as well via the monopoly of physical money issue. By means of these rules and their enforcement through control over law, accounting and law enforcemement, they have it all under satisfactory control.