Crime Against Humanity: Hands Up and Give Us Your Wallet, 9

Therefore, if we put together what we have seen here about moneypulation and monopoly we can infer where this road of dematerialising your money off your hands can lead, even though not immediately visible on the horizon, isn’t it?
Moneypulation results in monopoly, and in substance, regardless of the form and of whatever use of the form to cover the substance, monopoly will result in the end of the separation of powers, and in wrapping the resulting absolute power around the moneypulators’ finger. So what?

Those who are trying to wake us up to this issue face considerable difficulties. They point us at specific subjects, but each of them, if we ever notice it at all, seems to us to be a vague, innocuous little dot far away at the horizon. But it’s an optical illusion. Each of these subjects is not vague, it’s not innocuous, and it’s not even that far away at the horizon. Some examples?

·        one world currency and abolition of cash;

·        taxation without representation;

·        dismantling of democratic accountability and transparency;

·        dismantling of civil liberties and militarisation of police forces towards a police state through strategy of tension;

·        information technology and internet of things at the service of global surveillance;

·        subcutaneous RFID (radio frequency identification data) microchips centralising our full economic and civic identity and handing it over to a remote unanswerable authority which thus has got us by the balls completely;

·        New World Order, the conclusively totalitarian One World Government.