Crime Against Humanity: Hands Up and Give Us Your Wallet, 8

Word of mouth would spread and push account holders to flee to… what competing bank? There will be no such thing as a competing bank, not any more. Regardless of business names, the oligo−monopoly will then be strong enough and they won’t have to hide anymore and pretend they are not a cartel.
Mr. A would turn to… what law enforcement? There will be no such thing as a law enforcement, not any more. Regardless of ceremonial officiated, the oligo−monopoly will then be strong enough and they won’t have to hide anymore and pretend law enforcement is anything but their cartel’s armed wing.
At that point, it wouln’t even matter any more whom you’d believe; your abdication of your right and duty to acknowledge purchasing power personally would have reached its end outcome.

The spiral is a given: the more bankers become instrumental, the more money they make; the more money they make, the more politicians and laws they can buy; the more politicians and laws they buy, the more they call the shots with your money.

We have already mentioned the risks intrinsically associated with entrusting any certification authority to third parties; but when it comes to money people get touched to the quick and hopefully offer some more resistance, so the advance of arbitrariness may be, or merely appear, relatively slow.
This in particular takes the form of the separation of powers, so that, should a money certification authority certify untruthfully, there’s another, distinct and separate authority to seek help from.

Well, I wonder if you have noticed that bankers have actively pursued and successfully achieved the monopoly on the circulation of money. And I wonder if you have noticed as well the parallel trends of banks’ estates that expand while industrial zones, shopping streets and residential areas get empty and crumble. Since we know how monopolies grow by spontaneous combustion, do you think there may be any other limit other than either the sky or open−eyed people to the growth of the moneypulators’ monopoly?